

  1. RSCC回家RSCC回家
  2. 学者
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.提供在线学位. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.



高级紧急医疗技术员(AEMT)课程是一个为期一个学期的证书课程. 讲座和实验大约有270个小时. 临床/实地实习时间约为134小时.  该贝博体育有秋季和春季开学.

该课程由四个教学部分组成:讲座, 技能实验室, 临床教育和实地实习. The successful completion of these components will prepare the students for National Registry exams and enable him/her to demonstrate competence as an entry level AEMT. 该课程的毕业生可以在紧急医疗服务(EMS)工作。, 消防/救援, 医院急诊科, 医疗诊所, 运动医学, 工业医学, 或者类似的职业.  学生在获得AEMT资格证书后,有资格申请护理人员证书课程.

The 高级急救医疗技术员 (AEMT) Technical Certificate program is offered on the Knox Center for Health Sciences and designated RSCC satellite campuses.


  1. 完成 贝博体育(RSCC)的录取程序 成为被录取的学生.
  2. 在RaiderNet上完成电子健康科学申请,并在公布的申请截止日期前提交.
  3. 完成要求的课程入学考试:
    • 完成 Accuplacer考试.  如果测试结果显示阅读不足, all Learning Support requirements for reading comprehension must be successfully completed before applicant will be considered for admission to the program. 注意:一些申请人可以免除Accuplacer测试.  过去三年的Accuplacer或Compass分数是可以接受的. Test scores and any transcripts from other colleges must be turned into the RSCC Admission and Records Office by the published application deadline. 看到 测试中心网页 注册说明,豁免,和更多.
    • 学生的ACT阅读成绩可以达到19分或以上.*     
    • 学生的HESI分数可以达到70%或以上. *
    • 完成ENGL 1010(英语作文),成绩为C或以上.
  4. Be currently licensed as an Emergency Medical Technician in the State of Tennessee or have successfully completed an EMT education program within 120 days of beginning the Advanced EMT education program and have successfully completed a Tennessee EMS Board approved EMT competency written and practical examination.*
  5. 完成所有其他入学要求详述在 高级急救医疗技术员 网页.
  6. 学生 must follow the admissions process in compliance with EMS rules and regulations as set forth by the Tennessee Department of Health, 紧急医疗服务办公室和RSCC紧急医疗服务(EMS)计划.  申请人必须报告他们在任何医疗领域的执照是否被暂停, 撤销, 或拒绝.
  7. 学生的最终选择将由联合健康计划招生委员会做出.

Note: 学生 may not register for discipline-specific courses until they have been accepted to the program and their major has been changed by the Health Sciences Admissions Advisor.
注意:满足最低要求并不保证验收. 田纳西州居民将优先考虑.




学生 will be notified electronically via RaiderNet email of acceptance to the 高级急救医疗技术员 program.  学生 must acknowledge their acceptance via reply email by the designated response date stated in the acceptance email.


Criminal background checks and drug screening may be a requirement at affiliated clinical sites utilized for training in the program. 根据这些检查的结果, 附属临床站点可能决定不允许您出现在他们的设施. 这将导致你无法顺利完成课程. 学生将负责背景调查的费用. 此外,犯罪背景可能会妨碍执照或就业. 更多信息可以从你的贝博体育主管那里获得.


学生将被要求满足附属临床机构的所有健康指南. 某些机构可能要求提供个人健康保险. 学生 are highly encour年龄d to carry personal health insurance and are responsible for costs incurred due to injury or illness while enrolled. 学生将负责身体检查和所需的免疫接种和/或测试的费用.

学生必须, during the course of the program to demonstrate their physical and/or emotional fitness to meet the essential requirements of the program. 这些基本要求包括免于传染病, 执行特定任务的能力, 合适的情感适合度. Any appraisal measures used to determine such physical and/or emotional fitness will be in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American Disabilities Act of 1990. 学生必须符合附属机构的所有健康指引. 学生在学习期间因受伤或生病而产生的费用由学生自行承担.


  1. Maintain current Tennessee licensure as EMT and maintain current CPR certification at the level of American Heart Association-Health Care Provider level.
  2. 保持80%的教学,实验室和临床区域.
  3. 所有EMS课程要求成绩达到C或以上.

The RSCC policy of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions applies to all students regardless of the program in which they are enrolled. 在违反酒精和药物规定的情况下, 纪律处分, 以及决定是否进行酒精或药物检测, 将由健康科学学院院长和学生主任办公室处理.


A student must request readmission after a grade of “D” or “F” is received in a core course or after withdrawal from the program at any time during the semester.


  1. 申请重新入学的学生必须符合上述所有入学标准. The applicant must submit a readmission request in writing to the Program Director at least thirty (30) days prior to enrollment. The request must be a detailed personal reflection of the reason(s) for the unsuccessful performance and a plan of correction.
  2. The applicant applying for readmission may be required to interview with the Program Director for consideration of readmission before the review date by the Allied Health Science 贝博体育 Admission Committee.
  3. 在再入院之前,可能需要证明一个可接受的学科能力水平.
  4. A student with previous unsatisfactory clinical performance must be recommended for readmission by consensus of the program faculty.
    Note: The Program Director will verify that all readmission documents and criteria including licensure/credentials are current and valid.
  5. 重新进入健康科学贝博体育取决于空间的可用性.
  6. 学生 who are dismissed for reasons associated with academic misconduct or violations of a code of ethics will not be considered for re-admission.
  7. A student must repeat the specialty course or courses for which he/she was dismissed and attain a “C” or better in the course.
  8. 学生可以在不及格的学期起两年内重新入学. Before being considered for readmission they will be required to take a competency exam for those course(s) which they previously successfully completed. Upon successful completion of those exams they will be considered for readmission to the program and be required to take only the course(s) they failed. 如果他们没有成功完成能力考试, 他们可以重新申请入学,但必须重修所有课程. 成功完成能力考试要求成绩达到70分或更高.

Note: 学生 must follow the admissions process regarding interviews and testing in compliance with EMS rules and regulations as set forth by the Tennessee Department of Health, 紧急医疗服务部和RSCC EMS贝博体育. An Admissions Committee considers all eligible applicants and recommends applicants to the Allied Health 贝博体育 Admission Committee. 申请人必须报告他们在任何医疗领域的执照是否被暂停, 撤销, 或拒绝.

秋天开始   小时
EMSA 1501 高级EMT医疗紧急情况 5
EMSA 1502 高级EMT创伤和医疗紧急情况 5
EMSA 1201 高级急救医学技能实验室 2
EMSA 1202 高级急救医生创伤和医疗技能实验室 2
EMSA 1111 高级EMT临床 1
EMSA 1112 高级EMT现场实习 1
    证书总学时 16
  9月 完整的 毕业申请  
春天的开始   小时
EMSA 1501 高级EMT医疗紧急情况 5
EMSA 1502 高级EMT创伤和医疗紧急情况 5
EMSA 1201 高级急救医学技能实验室 2
EMSA 1202 高级急救医生创伤和医疗技能实验室 2
EMSA 1111 高级EMT临床 1
EMSA 1112 高级EMT现场实习 1
    证书总学时 16
  3月 完整的 毕业申请  
EMSA 1501 高级EMT医疗紧急情况 5
EMSA 1502 高级EMT创伤和医疗紧急情况 5
EMSA 1201 高级急救医学技能实验室 2
EMSA 1202 高级急救医生创伤和医疗技能实验室 2
EMSA 1111 高级EMT临床 1
EMSA 1112 高级EMT现场实习 1
    证书总学时 16
  6月 完整的 毕业申请  

希望获得A的学生.A.S. 以紧急医疗服务为重点的健康科学专业的学生应联系他们的顾问. A certain number of credit hours in each program must be completed in order to meet the graduation residency requirement. 请联系您的指导老师了解您的课程要求.




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